About Us

‘Sejal Gems Hong Kong Co. Ltd.’ has been in the Diamond Industry since 2004 & we Owe Our Existence to the Sincere & Determined Efforts of Our Team.
Our Major Business Dealings started with Small Polished Diamonds & later; into Certified Diamond Industry as well.
Today; with the Perseverance of our Team, & the Brilliant Foresight of our Prolific Management, we have Manifested our Company into a Multi - Faceted Enterprise with Strong Local Roots.
We believe in 'Uncompromised Quality' & it is our Constant Endeavor to Strive for Excellence; by Catering to the Smallest of Client Demands with the Best of Products & Services.

Products & Services

To further Expand our Reach to our Clients, We Participate in Reputed Global Exhibitions to Showcase our Exquisite Range of Certified & Loose Diamonds.
We Hope to Serve You Better in the Coming Years & Assure You of Our Best Services.
Excavated from Some of the World's Finest Mines; Our Diamonds are Sorted & Processed by Sophisticated Methods.
The Highlight of Our Modern Assortment Methods is that it Allows us to Identify & Classify Certified & Non Certified Diamonds into Distinct Categories based on their Unique Inherent Qualities.
Our Inventory comprises substantial quantities of Small Polished Diamonds & also, Certified & Fancy Diamonds to Cater to the Needs & Requirements of our Clients.
Our Diamonds are the Preferred Choice of Some of the World's Finest Companies Owing to their Smooth Finish & High Quality.
The Trust & faith of Our Clients in Us, makes ‘Sejal Gems Hong Kong Co. Ltd.’; a Shining Name in the Diamond Industry.

Values / Ideology

A Highly Trusted Name in the Industry, ' Sejal' Dedicates Itself Towards Earning that Trust by Sharing Values, Experience & Expertise through all these years Of Efficient Operations in our Industry.
'Sejal' should Symbolize a name to Reckon with True Craftsmanship & the Best of Customer Service to enable to become a Distinguished Company in the Polished Diamond Industry.
Our Work Practices should be Synonymous with the Best of Client Services & a Preferred Company in the Diamond Industry to ensure Complete Satisfaction of all Associated with Our Company.
We wish to become a Premium Player in all the Verticals that we Operate; by Continually Raising our Standards of Excellence for Our Workforce & Clients; along with the Most Ethical Business Policies.
We Assure You of Our Best Services which will Add Sparkle into Your Lives; with Our 'True Value, Natural Diamonds'.

Worldwide Dealers Spread across the globe to best serve our clients!

Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks. Dynamically procrastinate B2C users after installed base benefits.

Dramatically visualize customer directed convergence without revolutionary ROI.

Sejal Gems Hongkong Co Ltd.

Unit- 1107, 11th Floor,
Hunghom Commerical Tower-B,
37, Ma Tau Wai Road,
Hunghom, Hongkong.

Contact Us

Phone +852-26271273
Email hongkong@sejalgems.in

Sejal Exports (India)

D-Center 7221, Bharat Diamond Bourse
Bandra Kurla Complex
Mumbai 400051
Maharashtra, India

Contact Us

Phone +91 22 4043 1111
Fax +91 22 4043 1199
Email mumbai@sejalgems.in

Diamonds by Sejal Inc.

62 West 47 St. 16th Floor,
New York 10036
United States Of America

Contact Us

Phone +1 201 9525504
Email newyork@sejalgems.in

Small Stars Jewellers LLC

MZ-2, Obaidullah bldg.,
Next to Gold Land, Gold Souq,
Deira, Dubai, P.O.Box 57681

Contact Us

Phone +971 4 2354250
Fax +971 4 2354251
Email dubai@sejalgems.in

C & S Gems

A-29-06 Suasana Sentral loft.
Jalan Stesen Sentral-5,
KL Sentral-50470
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Contact Us

Phone +60 1 2229 8255
Fax +60 3 2201 8255
Email cnsgems@sejalgems.in

S.M. Jewels Pte Ltd

545, Orchard road,
#09-10, Far East Shopping center,

Contact Us

Phone +65 67341409
Fax +65 67341404
Email singapore@sejalgems.in

Priti Gems Co. Ltd.

Suit 3110, Jewellery Trade Center,
919/395, Silom road, Silom, Bangrak,
Bangkok-10500, Thailand

Contact Us

Phone +66 2 6300048 / 49
Fax +66 2 6300047
Email priti@sejalgems.in

Contact Us